Are you flexible or bouncy? adaptable resilience Jul 23, 2024

The need to be flexible - or adaptable - is on my mind, especially after watching handlers have to adapt during the Rally and Obedience Nationals. Big events tend to spotlight our weak spots, but that doesn't mean we only need to be adaptable at nationals; adaptability comes...

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Resilience can include humor. mindset resilience Feb 13, 2024

If you've been around me for a minute, you know that resilience is one of the most essential mindset skills. The reason, of course, is that "stuff" happens, and our dog lives don't always go according to plan. And that means we have to be good at recovering so we can focus on what we...

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Do dog sports ever make you cry? bouncing back resilience Jun 20, 2023

Of course they do! And with good reason, right?

I mean, we cry because our hearts are broken, or we're disappointed, or we're so happy that only tears will do.

Just this past weekend, while walking my dog at an agility trial, I cried out of frustration. I wasn't mad at my dog or even at myself, I...

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What if you were already resilient? mental skills resilience Jun 29, 2021

As more of us are emerging post-pandemic, we are finding a new test for our resilience. I hear so many people saying, “When things go back to normal.” I gotta admit, that sentence is KILLING me! (metaphorically, obvi).

Here’s my breakdown of that sentence:

When - waiting on the...

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