The power of positive momentum confidence mindset Aug 13, 2024

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to keep going when things are going well in the ring? That's the power of positive momentum, and it's just as critical in dog sports as it is in any other part of life. We shift our mindset when we focus on the positives—our progress, the bond...

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The ups and downs of expectations confidence mindset Mar 20, 2024

I'm writing today's post in this sort of "in-between." I'm in between many handlers—and clients—coming home from the AKC Agility Nationals and my own preparation for my national specialty. So basically, expectations are flying!


My expectations are about the future, while...

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Is vulnerability the opposite of confidence? confidence mindset Jan 09, 2024

This past weekend, I gave a seminar to a small but powerful group of handlers. Eventually, the subject of confidence emerged. I shared my belief: the opposite of confidence is not insecurity but rather vulnerability.


It's potentially a hot take and likely not the definition the...

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Sometimes the right thing is the uncomfortable thing. confidence mindset May 23, 2023

I did something I never do. I entered an agility trial where I only entered one games class each day for all four days. No standard or jumpers classes, just FAST and T2B.


(For those of you who don't do agility, stick with me for a minute.)


If you know me, you know I enjoy competing;...

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Success is just a string of good habits. confidence handler skills Mar 28, 2023

Anyone else wish they had better habits?

At some point, we all want to create a new habit or break an old one that no longer serves. And no matter how much we want to change, habits are hard, even when we want to dismantle one!

First, cut yourself some slack. According to studies, most people...

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3 steps to tame pressure. confidence mental skills Jul 10, 2019
Photo Chris Stefanac

In the first of our blog series on gaining confidence, we started with ring nerves and their tie to the fears we take with us into the ring. This time we are going to look at pressure, where it comes from and how we can tackle it for what it really is.


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Ever get nervous before you walk into the ring? confidence mental skills Jun 11, 2019
Photo of Indie and me on the start line by Rich Knecht.

Some amount of heightened energy is a good thing, but when your nerves get in the way of you being able to perform at your best, it’s a problem that deserves attention. 

One night in my group obedience class, my instructor was...

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