Amp up your success with this question. goals mindset Feb 20, 2024

Because you are receiving this newsletter, I know you embrace process goals (I see you and appreciate you!). Yet, clarifying your process goals can be tough for some. So, I have a question: "What does success look like?"

This is a common question in the corporate world used to evoke clarity...

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Resilience can include humor. mindset resilience Feb 13, 2024

If you've been around me for a minute, you know that resilience is one of the most essential mindset skills. The reason, of course, is that "stuff" happens, and our dog lives don't always go according to plan. And that means we have to be good at recovering so we can focus on what we...

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How it all started! goals mindset Feb 09, 2024

I consider February my anniversary month. I don't remember the exact day I launched The Q Coach, but I know it was this month, eight years ago! (Wow!)


There were two things I knew I wanted to address in the dog handler community: goal-setting and the mental game. Goal-setting...

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Do you love an emotional spiral? bouncing back mindset Jan 16, 2024

Oh, the power of the downward spiral! Something "bad" happens in the ring, and then we come out and can talk about nothing other than the mistake. The emotion of the error spins up a frenzy that seems to leave an emotional mark long after the run. It takes on a life of its own, and down...

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Is vulnerability the opposite of confidence? confidence mindset Jan 09, 2024

This past weekend, I gave a seminar to a small but powerful group of handlers. Eventually, the subject of confidence emerged. I shared my belief: the opposite of confidence is not insecurity but rather vulnerability.


It's potentially a hot take and likely not the definition the...

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Congrats on working on your mindset! goals mindset Dec 19, 2023

I spent the weekend glued to, trying to catch my clients' runs. If you were there, know that my dogs thought I'd unlocked a new level of insanity since I was simultaneously cheering and crying at the TV in between yelling about the livestreaming issues. (I'm complex, okay - ha). I was...

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Arguing against compartmentalizing. fun gratitude mindset Nov 28, 2023


This month in the membership, we aren't talking about dogs at all. Okay, maybe we are a little bit, but it's not the focus of our mindset work. Instead, we are getting our life-life in shape because of how much it impacts our dog-life.


It turns out we aren't robots. We...

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Are you being toxic with yourself? mindset toxic people Nov 14, 2023

When it comes to competition, maintaining a positive mindset is often championed as the golden ticket to success - after all, nothing positive comes from a negative mindset! But is there such a thing as "too positive?" Or "too grateful?" Sorta. Both positivity and gratitude can go to the...

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It's not all fun and games. energy mindset Nov 07, 2023

On the heels of what ended up being a very impactful podcast last week on fun (who knew?!), I heard about "The Rule of Thirds."


While I'm sure there are other versions out there, the one I heard was from the perspective of an Olympic athlete being told about the Rule of Thirds by...

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Choose magic. anxiety & fear mindset Oct 31, 2023

We are anthropologically wired to look for the bad stuff. To look for the danger, the things that might go wrong. This behavior has kept us safe from bears, and fire, and toxic cave-people (I assume). When we scan our environment for danger to find none, we can then focus on the task at hand -...

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The (mean) stories we tell ourselves. mental skills mindset Oct 17, 2023

Last week, I didn't send a newsletter (did you miss me?), and as a result, I beat myself up. I enjoy writing to you weekly, just as I enjoy recording my podcasts, yet missing one week had me feeling guilty.


It was easy to tell myself it was no big deal in the scheme of things,...

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You're lying about your progress. (Probably) goals mindset Sep 13, 2023

This month in the Q-Membership, we are talking about how we lie to ourselves when measuring our progress. The weird thing is, we don't lie to ourselves on purpose; we just aren't very honest about how we're doing.


For instance, we are much harder on ourselves than the facts show....

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