The Q Coach Pod | Mindset Coaching for Handlers with Julie Bacon

The Q Coach Pod | Mindset Coaching for Handlers with Julie Bacon

Hosted by: Julie Bacon - The Q Coach

From goal setting to getting control of ring nerves, Julie Bacon, The Q Coach, champions handlers who are on a mission to achieve big goals. Julie Bacon is The Q Coach, a mental skills coach who works with dog...


#56: But do you have mindset goals? (Because I know you’ve got outcome goals!)

Season #2

We are awesome at setting goals - especially results-oriented ones. We know the titles and Qs we want, and we have it all planned out. But what about our mindset goals? Do we know how we are going to strengthen our...
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#55: You need a good Plan B (Even if you plan to be perfect!)

Season #2

Having a “plan B” is NOT about thinking you might “fail.” On the contrary. A good Plan B means you recognize there are variables in your environment that you cannot fully control, and you’re willing to be flexible...
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#54: Think you need to be mentally tough? (Or could soft be the answer?)

Season #2

People tend to equate having a good mental game with being mentally tough. I can get behind resilient, but the word “tough” trips me up. This week I had a reason to be mentally “soft” and it was exactly what my dog...
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#53: The changing face of good sportsmanship. (Who are you striving to be?)

Season #2

When I was a kid, to say that someone was a “good sport,” has a ver specific connotation. Today, I’m not sure that we would agree on that definition as words evolve over the decades. For me it’s about deciding what...
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#52: Are you defining yourself by your challenges? (You might have a fixed mindset.)

Season #2

We all do it - define ourselves by our problems. When we say things like “I am” or “I have,” we wander into a fixed mindset and are in danger of limiting our potential. Instead, a growth mindset believes that we can...
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#51: Did your preparation let you down? (Or was it your expectations?)

Season #2

Ever come out of a disappointing weekend or run and say, “But I really felt ready! We did everything right! I don’t know what happened!” I have. It happens when we have unmet expectations hidden in our goals. We think...
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#50: Are your friends distracting you? (Maybe, maybe not.)

Season #2

Ok, so maybe this is a personal problem … but I can easily get distracted at a trial by visiting with my friends - especially when I haven’t seen them in a while. It’s not that I miss my walk-through (though I did...
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#49: Are you taking your outside world into the ring? (Some tips for life’s stressors.)

Season #2

Life is messy. Jobs, relationships, money … general adulting all make for a stressed-out mind sometimes. But when that stress follows us to the line it can ruin our precious time with our dogs or impede our ability to...
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#48: Are you sabotaging your run? (It’s okay, we’ve all done it.)

Season #2

There’s a Henry Ford quote that I use often: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right." And nothing is more true when it comes to our performance in the ring. If we don’t believe in ourselves,...
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#47: Can’t remember your course? (I’ve got you)

Season #2

There are a whole bunch of reasons you may have trouble remembering a course or your course plan. Whether you’re in the agility ring or playing rally or draft or … I will talk about what could be causing you to forget...
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#46: The power of the pause (I promise it works!)

Season #2

First, I report-out on how my weekend went when I made FUN my process goal. Next, I share that I was glad I paused and chose my response to someone who inadvertently pushed my insecure button (yup, I have one!). I was...
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#45: In pursuit of a feeling (Fun IS a process goal!)

Season #2

On the heels of a particularly fun lesson I’m asking myself, “Am I chasing the feeling of having fun?” In truth, I’m probably not doing this as much as I could be, but I may have just found new motivation! Really like...
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