The Q Coach Pod | Mindset Coaching for Handlers with Julie Bacon

The Q Coach Pod | Mindset Coaching for Handlers with Julie Bacon

Hosted by: Julie Bacon - The Q Coach

From goal setting to getting control of ring nerves, Julie Bacon, The Q Coach, champions handlers who are on a mission to achieve big goals. Julie Bacon is The Q Coach, a mental skills coach who works with dog...


#161: Two words: Of Course. (Plus, Moxie does her weaves!)

Season #4

Thanks to a question submitted, I bring you the full report of how Moxie did her weaves in public and what that meant for me in terms of mindset. Then I give you a new phrase to incorporate into your visualizing and...
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#160: The power of simplifying. (Especially when your energy is in the tank.)

Season #4

Let’s face it, we are not at 100% every single day - including trial days. For those days when you are just not feeling it, it’s okay to push through, but the best thing might be to simplify your goals and...
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#159: Nervous? Try this shift. (Taking the long view is powerful.)

Season #4

Often the cause of our performance anxiety is fear of failure - not Qing, messing up in front of others, or even not being seen as “ready.” But what if we saw each time we walked into the ring as an investment in our...
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#158: Ever cried in your car? (It could be a stamina thing.)

Season #4

Of course we all have those days - the ones that make us want to throw in the towel or pick up a new sport. But sometimes, we end up in an emotional puddle because the events of the day were all just too much. In...
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#157: Resilience IS a handling skill. (I’m kinda passionate about this one.)

Season #4

This episode is pulled from the Q-Membership: Being able to bounce back, reframe, reset, recover … is critical especially when we have multiple runs in a day. We don’t usually have time to contemplate the “feedback”...
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#156: Getting it up. (Hey! I was talking about your adrenaline - sheesh.)

Season #4

Running multiple dogs or running a new dog poses different challenges - one of them being figuring out your ideal energy level. Today’s topic comes from a client who is having trouble finding that same “oomph” for her...
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#155: What happens after your dream comes true? (Yes, this is a real problem!)

Season #4

You might be surprised to learn that many Gold Medal winning Olympic athletes struggle with depression once the confetti has been swept up. Their whole lives were focused on that podium, but without a clear next step...
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#154: Time to master your self-talk. (Let’s be honest, we all need some help!)

Season #4

This episode is pulled from the Q-Membership: The thing about self-talk is that our thoughts become our beliefs which become our actions which become our results. So, yeah, what we think about is REALLY important! We...
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#153: Is your attention subverting your goals? (Alignment is everything.)

Season #4

I recently heard someone say “If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s because your intention doesn’t match your attention.” Whoa. That one hit me. It’s critical that we are giving our valuable attention - and...
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#152: Are limiting beliefs getting in your way? (Plus, 5 ways to banish them!)

Season #4

We all have (multiple) limiting beliefs - those beliefs that affect the actions we take. And many of us have limiting beliefs that get in our way in the ring - yuck! Today we are going to uncover those nasty things...
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#151: Are you pushing through when you shouldn’t be? (How to tell when you need some balance)

Season #4

There are times we should be “pushing through” and times we should be finding some balance. This is true not only for ourselves, but our dogs as well. Knowing when to push - when to dig deep - is crucial, and often we...
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#150: 5 ways to kick the imposter vibe. (Plus 5 sources of those icky thoughts)

Season #4

Imposter syndrome hits all of us at some point, making us feel less-than or unworthy. Because I know how you like lists (ha), I’ve got 5 common sources and 5 things we can do when imposter syndrome starts invading our...
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